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Offset Press

Offset press

Maple Press integrates sustainability into our book manufacturing process by offering a diverse range of printing options that combine web and sheetfed offset presses with production inkjet and advanced digital printing capabilities.

Our offset press lineup, including web, sheetfed, and inkjet technology is equipped to handle one-color book projects. With the ability to produce quantities from 250 to over 50,000 copies, our offset presses excel in printing high-quality halftones, particularly suited for illustrated titles.

We enhance the competitiveness of our sheetfed presses through in-line and off-press sheeting options, reducing paper spoilage and maximizing cost savings by utilizing roll stock. This approach leads to significant paper cost reductions for shorter run projects, promoting sustainability in our operations.

The flexibility of having web, sheetfed and inkjet presses empowers Maple Press to choose the most cost-effective solution based on the specific run length and print requirements, fostering sustainable and economical book production.

Our Material Supply Program offers a wide selection of sustainable paper options for all of our press platforms, catering to diverse needs and preferences.

In addition to our high-quality offset printing services, we provide comprehensive digital printing and binding solutions for ultra-short, quick-turnaround titles. For more information on this alternative, please reach out to our Sales Offices and discover how we can meet your printing needs sustainably and efficiently.